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pic gaia flower_1.jpgWe are often told to lead with the positive and focus our messages on the positive side of our vision for a better world. We’re in a movement that has a dual purpose of ending the dirty practice of burning waste and building zero waste systems. Systems with positive, transformative benefits for local economies and jobs, resulting in clean air and healthy communities. I’m frequently advised to focus my messages on the positive side of this vision like these sunflowers instead of waste incinerator smokestacks. » Read More


Invoking the Pause
is now accepting Grant Applications for 2014.  Please see the Application Process page for details.

Joshua Fouts shares his project, Expandan educational iPhone app for climate change - with fellow Grant Partners at the October 2013 Invoking the Pause Grant Partner Gathering in San Francisco. Watch the video.

spot_light_hi.png gaia_banner_02_1.jpeg Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA) is an international alliance that works both against incinerators and for safe, sustainable and just alternatives.  Ananda Tan is GAIA's U.S. and Canada Regional Coordinator and he was recently interviewed by ITP.

ITP: You’ve been an activist on several different issues throughout your career, including forestry, anti-war, agriculture, climate, energy, trade and labor justice. How did your path lead you to become involved with GAIA?

"I first became involved in these issues back in my student days organizing around anti-war activism. » Read More

IMG_0370.JPGIn reflecting back on our ITP Grant Partner Gathering of a few weeks ago, I am struck by the dynamism of bringing such creative people together for an entire day to learn from each other, to share, and to brainstorm together.  One of the Grant Partners, Joshua Fouts, Executive Director of Science House Foundation, was most inspired by:  "… the collaborative energy and synergy created between the people and ideas that Maggie has curated, invested in and convened in this community that we are building."  He was struck with a sense of wonder at being part of an art project - the sculpture and scaffolding of creative ideas built around my vision. See a short video clip from the day here. » Read More

Heidi Quante of HighWaterLine expresses the merits of 'the pause' at the 2013 ITP Grant Partner Gathering. Watch the video here.

HighWaterLine launches in Miami Beach November 13 & 14 and in Miami on November 17!  Participant Francine Madera writes in the HuffingtonPost about climate change impacts in Florida and the Resilient Miami movement. Where do you draw the line on this issue?

Posted - 10/31/2013
A Spoonful of Sugar...
penguins.jpgTo find humor in tough times is a gift and serves as a potent tool to help cope with stress and unpleasantness, diffuse anger, and provide emotional relief. Our intrinsic desire to laugh motivates us to share humor with others and makes for an easy conduit to start a dialogue, which is why public speakers often use laughter as an icebreaker for a crowd.

We at ITP found our funny bones during our recent Grant Partner Gathering in San Francisco at the TPWWest offices.  Prompted by meeting facilitator Rich Cox, ITP Grant Partners (GPs) participated in an energetic brainstorming session that provided a little comic relief in the face of promoting the alarming message of the effects of our changing climate. » Read More

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The 36th Annual Mill Valley Film Festival (MVFF) is hosting the world premiere of documentary filmmaker and ITP Grant Partner Casey Beck's  "The Organic Life" - Saturday, October 5th 3:15pm and Monday, October 7th, 3:00pm.  Carol Harado of the MVFF says: "This feast for the senses takes us through four seasons on the farm, following the rhythms of nature and revealing the attendant challenges and joys of locally oriented, sustainable agriculture. Austin's satisfaction in doing what he loves every day, collaborating with the earth by leading a life more fully connected to it, becomes a teaching on true abundance." 
